Digital Signature in Kenya

Digital Signature for Documents, Email and Code

Digital Signatures in Microsoft Office Documents , Email , PDF Files and Code Signing

Protect the integrity of your documents and guarantee authorship before their recipients.



Demonstrate the authorship and origin of your messages and documents through a digital certificate.


Secure documents and messages, avoiding the manipulation or alteration of its content.

Reliable Signatures

We offer digital signatures for Microsoft documents , PDFs , e-mail and code signatures.


It allows flexible and secure communications, easy to implement.
Email Signature

Signatures for Mail

The email signatures use technology S / MIME allows you to digitally sign and encrypt their messages to protect data in transit and that only the recipients can read them.


Accepted by Outlook , Thunderbird, Apple Mail, and more.


Email encryption, privacy guarantee


Avoid manipulation and guarantee the authorship of the content of your e-mails

Signatures for Documents

The Digital Signature of Documents guarantees its authorship and origin, containing the identity of the signature and alerts the readers of any unauthorized modification.


Compatible with Microsoft Word , Excel and Outlook.


Guarantee the authorship and origin of your documents


Secure the workflow of electronic documents

Signatures for PDFs

With PDF Signing you can add custom approval signatures. Adding a certified signature signals it as the author of the document, and secures the file against subsequent changes.


Test authorship, finalize contents and secure against adulterations.


Any viewer has the ability to verify signatures.


With Adobe Acrobat / Reader 8.0, AATL certificates (Acrobat / Reader 9.0+)

Code Signatures

Software suppliers and developers can sign (practice known as Code Signing ) and digitally date the software they distribute over the Internet.


Add your identity as software author.


Avoid modifications or alterations to your code


Microsoft Authenticode, JAVA, Adobe Air, Apple, Netscape Objects, MS Office & VBA

Frequently asked questions

What is a digital signature?

Digital IDs or digital signatures are the equivalent of a notarized signature, to apply digital signatures to messages and files the entity must have a valid digital certificate, which is issued by a reliable Certifying Authority, such as GlobalSign. Digital Signatures in Kenya allow individuals and organizations to represent their digital identity by applying a digital signature to their email, documents, or two-factor authentication.

What is a PersonalSign Digital Certificate?

The Digital Certificate PersonalSign is a digital identification issued to an entity, be it an individual or department, that helps to verify your identity. Digital identification connects the verified identity of the individual to a unique cryptographic credential.

What are the benefits of signing Microsoft Office documents?

Add a digital signature to your Microsoft Office documents such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint, guarantee its authorship, origin and alert the recipients of any unauthorized modification.

Why should I digitally sign the email?

Digitally signing an e-mail provides authorship and prevents alterations, assuring the recipient that the e-mail was written by you, not an impostor, and that the content of the e-mail has not been altered in its transmission.

Why sign PDF documents?

A certified document assures the recipient that it is authentic, proof that it comes from a secure source, and was not altered. Approval signatures streamline the approval process of the organization by capturing the electronic approvals made by individuals or departments and incorporating them into the real PDF.

What is a code signature?

Code signing is the method of using a signature based on a digital certificate to sign executables and scripts in order to verify the identity of the author and ensure that the code has not been modified or corrupted since it was signed by the author.